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Thursday, December 22, 2011
probably the best text conversation i've ever had
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
party prep overload
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
round 2
- I will miss how your knuckles are still just dimples.
- I will miss your four-tooth grin.
- I will miss the way your pants fit so snuggly around your big cloth-diapered bum.
- I will miss trying so hard to teach you to say "ma-ma" because soon I'm sure you'll say it all the time.
- I will miss your fascination with light switches.
- I will miss hearing your bare hands slapping along the wood floor as you crawl through the house.
- I will miss peeling your grapes and cutting each one into four pieces.
- I will miss how excited you get about "The Wheels on the Bus".
- I will miss you being the perfect height to rest your chin on your crib ledge and wait for us to come get you from your nap.
- I will miss your hands and feet turning constant circles.
- I will miss how cute you are in your snowsuit and raccoon hat.
- I will miss you thinking I'm the funniest person in the world. (Well, besides Daddy, of course!)
- I will miss seeing your little finger reach out and touch the mouse on the page in 'Goodnight Moon', even when you can barely stay awake for the story.
- When you no longer make your "excited face" because the phone rang or the door opened, I'll miss that too.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
henry quirks
- When traveling from Point A to Point B, he will almost always choose the route that requires him to crawl over something. Just to prove that he can.
- Every day at noon and one we pause for a moment of pure glee as the town whistle sounds. It's a real highlight :)
- He loves to have people notice him. Especially new people. The other day he noticed a man on the other end of the grocery store aisle. He raised his arms in "So Big" fashion and stared at the man, waiting for him to take note. Apparently the man didn't know "So Big".
- His bedhead continues to be the best I've ever seen.
- He has "Give the puppy a nice touch" confused with "Give the puppy a body slam." We're working on it.
- One of his favorite times to practice his sounds is when he's got a mouth full of food. You can just imagine how the broccoli puree sprays when he says, "Uh sssssssssat?" (What's that?)
- He loves loves LOVES his daddy. We wait for him to get home by watching out the window. When he sees him, he starts bouncing up and down. If we're not by the door, just the sound of the door opening makes him immediately perk up and start saying "Da!" Cutest ever.
Monday, November 28, 2011
eleven months
- He is fitting, but just barely, into 18-month size clothing. The boy is tall!
- He is sporting two new teeth on the top, and it appears he will have quite a gap. If you knew me prior to 1998, you know where he got it from. Yes, braces will likely be in his future. But, for now, that gap is just so darn cute!
- His favorite pastimes include pushing really small buttons, flipping light switches, pointing at anything and everything in the hope that we will name it for him, unloading any cabinet, drawer or basket he can access, playing peek-a-boo, and making this super cute "surprise" face where his eyebrows raise way up and his mouth makes a tiny little "o" shape.
- He can do two signs (all done and more) and has a few word-like things that he says ("What's that", "Da-da", "Wow", "One")
- He is showing signs that he's going to be very independent. Yes, I'll call it independent as opposed to strong-willed :) He wants to feed himself, doesn't want to have his diaper changed, doesn't want to be told "no", and doesn't really want to be restrained in his carseat. The other day I told Dameon that I felt like he was really starting to show some toddler-like behaviors with the whole throwing himself on the floor when I shut a door or take something from it that he can't have. I decided to look in our month-by-month book to see what it said about this. The first sentence for this month was something about how your baby will start to exhibit some of these behaviors around this age as they enter the stage of "I am toddler, hear me roar." Hmmmmm. Interesting.
- We are busy preparing to celebrate the big first birthday next month. This makes me very excited and proud, while also making me want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. I can't believe it's been a year!!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
the art of sneaking
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
uppercase around the house
Sunday, October 30, 2011
ten months
Sooooo behind once again. But you're probably used to that by now. Darn home computer still doesn't let me post. Anyway, Henry is ten months plus about 11 days now. Less than two months til the big birthday! Wowza!
- Not sure exactly how much he weighs but it seems like a lot. He's gotta be over 21 pounds by now. I'd guess 22.
- He's not overly interested in baby food right now. About a month ago we had a scarring salmon incident and ever since then he's been quite cautious about anything on a spoon. However, we think he's going to be quite the independent child, and we're convinced that if he could feed himself with the spoon, he'd clear his plate. He's still nursing throughout the day and night, so he definitely gets his fill.
- His current tricks include: So Big, clapping, pointing, twisting his hands when he hears music, following along in his flap books and Pat the Bunny, saying "Oh, Wow" "sssssat" and "dada", crawling around and pulling up on everything, and sometimes waving bye-bye.
- Lately we've been very impressed with his receptive language skills. The other day he was standing at the couch and I said, "Henry, where's your spoon?" He turned around and looked at the spoon. Then I said, "Go get your spoon." He plopped down on his bum, crawled over, and picked up his spoon. Coincidence? It's possible :)
- He does a little bit of cruising but has only let go and balanced once. And it was only for a second.
- His nursery is finally (FINALLY!!) done. See pics above.
- He had a few firsts this past month. First marching band contest, First haircut, First parade, First ride in a shopping cart, and First illness.
- Next up: First Halloween. Stay tuned for pictures!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
the long and short of it

Monday, September 19, 2011
nine months
- Henry is now nine months. That means we are only three months away from his first birthday. Unbelievable!
- He is sporting two teeth these days. They are the middle ones on the bottom. I've been trying, without much success, to get a picture of them. Every time I try to catch a glimpse, by pulling down his lip, he sticks out his tongue! I'll keep trying :)
- He is crawling all over the place, but sometimes bottoms out and scoots on his belly. His favorite activity is exploring the parts of our house where he normally doesn't hang out such as the hallway, the dining room, and any corner where he may find a dust bunny or two.
- He loves to eat! He sits in his high chair for two meals a day (usually breakfast and supper) and still nurses throughout the day and night. His newest foods are beef ragout, mini whole grain waffles, whole grain pasta, and the baby version of cheeseburger chowder. Yummy! He's getting to the point where he really wants to be in charge of the spoon, so that makes things interesting.
- The tables have turned and Henry is now chasing after Rufus. Rufus, however, has realized that Henry doesn't understand "soft touch". He pulls Rufus's tail and ears...hard. Rufus usually tries to scurry out of the way before this happens, but sometimes he's not fast enough. Remember Elmyra?? I'm worried we're going to have a serious Elmyra situation on our hands.
- Henry is a total social butterfly. He will smile and jabber at people as we walk through the store and loves when they smile and jabber back at him. We go to storytime on Tuesday mornings and he loves to watch the other little kids. There's one little two-year-old girl who loves to hug Henry and hold his hand.
- At his nine-month check, he proved that he is a healthy growing boy! Weight: 20 pounds, 14 ounces (52%ile); Height: 29 inches (74%ile); Head Circumference: Can't remember the measurement but I do remember it was 96%ile...that means big brains, right??
- He got his first haircut to follow soon!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
ABC's, 123's, and scarring kids for life
Monday, September 5, 2011
a wonderfully fantastic labor day weekend

Monday, August 29, 2011
blog drama
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
eight months...and I'm (almost) on time!
- He's too big to put on the baby scale any more (sad) so I'm going to have to do the thing where I weigh myself and then hold him and weigh us together and then do math. Too bad I don't really care to know what I currently weigh, so I'm putting that off.
- He is sitting up completely on his own now. Sometimes he tips over, but we've discovered he's got a pretty hard head. Not sure if he can thank me or his daddy for that...
- He is super close to crawling but not quite yet. He's up on all fours, trying to figure out what the next step should be.
- He grabs at EVERYTHING. This makes things such as grocery shopping much more difficult. The other day I was reaching for an apple and he knocked a melon onto the floor. Thank goodness it didn't break!
- He sits in his high chair twice a day to eat, and has figured out that if he puts something in his hand and hangs his arm over the arm rest, Rufus will be right there to snatch whatever he's offering up. This is a very fun game for Henry and a very maddening game for Mommy.
- Speaking of Rufus, Henry loves him more and more each day. He has started doing a sort of fake laugh when he sees Rufus scampering around. He also loves to grab at his ears, his tail, and his tongue. I think Rufus is starting to get a sense of what he's in for...
- He rides in a big-boy carseat, which has seemed to make riding in the car more enjoyable for him. Turns out there's a good chance the reason he hated it up until now was because he was downright uncomfortable. I think the Babies R Us lady's exact words were, "The Graco infant seat has the most minimal padding of any seat. Wouldn't you be cranky riding in that?" Hmmm....thanks for telling us that when we registered for it.
- His personality is really starting to show more and more. He smiles and laughs when other people around him are doing that. And he seems to even go into silly mode sometimes by shaking his head back and forth and then waiting for our reaction.
- We can move anywhere by rolling and scooting, so we are in baby-proofing mode. His favorite treasures are remotes, cell phones, and cords. Help me.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
And God is still good
Today I was thinking about how we've officially lived in Winterset for a whole year now. And, wow, what a year it's been! When we decided to move here, it was March. When we actually moved here, it was July 31. We attempted to buy five other houses before getting the one we currently own. (Which is by far the best one, in case you were wondering.) That's right, FIVE. And we couldn't even move into said house until the middle of September. But being teachers, we had to get here before August. So we moved into a one-bedroom apartment on the town square above the Ben Franklin store. We lived there for six weeks. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I blogged about that once. And I think I included the part about having to always take the dog out on his leash on the town square at all hours of the day and night. Neat.
Monday, August 1, 2011
carrot face
Thursday, July 28, 2011
the story of us
“Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
We were married 8 months later on July 28, 2007…less than a year after I moved into that apartment.
My friend recently told me that she has heard it said that your wedding day is the best day of your life, but the day you give birth to a child is the most romantic. So true!! There was something transformational that happened in my heart as we took our vows four years ago. And being side by side with Dameon as our baby was born formed a bond between us like no other experience ever will.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
carry-out boys say the darndest things
Monday, July 25, 2011
Seven months and counting
Taking the monthly picture got much more interesting this time around, as you can see :)
- Henry now weighs in at about 19 pounds
- Grabs everything he can get his little hands on!
- Sits in his high chair to eat...banana puree and sweet potato puree are his faves
- Scoots backward and sometimes lifts his hips off the floor
- Sleeps pretty well during the night but doesn't love to take naps
- Sits up for short spurts of time by himself
- Says "da da da da" all the time
- Loves "The Wheels on the Bus" song...with actions performed by mom and dad, of course.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
banana love
And, yes, these pictures were taken after Henry's very first sideburn trim. The first of many, I'm sure.