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Monday, September 29, 2008

Nothing Better

Now that we've crossed the threshold into our second year of marriage, I feel like some of my tidbits of wisdom on the topic are worth sharing. Here are a few things I've learned...

1. If you lay completely still, keeping your breathing as slow and steady as possible, your husband will be less likely to make YOU take the whining dog outside at 4:00 a.m.

2. Marrying someone who will eat most anything and do it with a really great "this is the best spaghetti I've ever tasted and I'll never get sick of it even if we eat it 4 times a week" face should definitely be in your Top 3 criteria when searching for a mate.

3. I'm not always right, I'm not always right, I'm not always right, I'm not always right...(but I am right most of the time)

4. Filling up 92% of your DVR space with Jon and Kate plus 8 episodes gets difficult to justify after awhile.

5. If you're going to put a five-pound rump roast down your garbage disposal....just don't.

*Being married is the best thing ever. Especially when your husband loves you despite items 1-5.

Jumping on the bandwagon...

It's not that I really have that much to say, but being a teacher pretty much guarantees great stories and "kid moments" on an almost-daily basis. I've been trying for two years now, to keep better records of the hilarious things that happen at school. I love rushing home to tell my husband the funny quote or story of the day, and I've realized my friends and family get a kick out of my stories, too. So, I'm going to give this blogging thing a try. I'm sure I won't be able to get to it every day but hopefully it will be a good record of moments and memories. And I'll sprinkle in a few tales of being a newlywed and first-time dog owner, too. Here we go...