Now that January is here and winter seems to be in full swing, we're having to find other ways to have fun besides loading up the stroller and walking to Frostie's. Dang. Here's what we've come up with lately...
Playdates with friends (sorry about the blurry. those little guys don't hold still. like ever.)

Cardboard box forts

Digging through and unloading Momma's purse.

I just noticed that Henry is definitely wearing pajamas in all three pictures. That's another theme around here, regardless of the season :) I will admit that I am feeling a little bit of cabin fever these days. Last winter was similar in that we were home most of the time, but different in the fact that Henry was tiny and usually sleeping. Now I feel like he's joining in the stir crazy with me. So, I'm curious. What do/did
you do to keep your 13-month-old busy during the winter months? I'm open to any and all suggestions. And hurry! He's is, at this exact moment, biting my pant leg and panting like a puppy.
Well, pretty much all my ideas are from ruth ann ;) i hide titus's toys. . . He has so many i feel he plays better if it seems new. For his bday he got a tent and tunnel (and loves it) but i think im going to by some balls (like what the bounce house has) and put it in his tent. I put all his different toys in canvis boxes so its exciting to take out and dump out :)
I'm no mom...but my sister has lots of fun activities for her kids. Like...painting bathtub walls with washable paint, shaving cream fingerpainting, plato, walk around the mall/library...good luck!
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