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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

In a classroom full of kindergartners, there's always funny and quirky things coming out of their mouths but it seems like I've forgotten most of it by the end of the day...unless they are truly classic. Today was a particularly good day for classics.
This week is homecoming week, so each day is designated as a different dress-up day. Today was deemed "Crazy Day", and the kids were supposed to dress in wacky colors, inside out and backward clothes, different shoes, etc. About mid-way through the morning, one little guy announced, "I've got my shirt on backward, my pants on backward, and my underwear on backward." Wowza. That's dedication.
This was also the day that a group of high school cheerleaders, athletes, and drumliners (my personal favorite) came to our school to do a pep assembly. The kids were so thrilled to see all this excitement live and up close! As the pep assembly ended and we were heading out for recess, I overheard a conversation between two of my girls---
"I'm going to be a cheerleader when I grow up. Are you?"
"Yeah! I changed my mind about princess and doctor."


Ruth Ann said...

YES! I have been waiting for a good kindergarten story from you. I wouldn't trade being at home for anything, but that is one thing I really do miss. :) Hope all is well. Love you!

*a* said...

She should definitely change her mind about being a cheerleader. Being a princess would be SO much easier.