FINALLY! Finally I can let the cat out of the bag "officially". We have been so so so excited to shout our baby news from the rooftops and now that we're through the first trimester, we are so happy to share all the details. (Well...almost all the details.)
One of my favorite blogs to follow is MckMama's blog at www.mycharmingkids.net. I like to think that we're actually friends :) Anyway, she has a ton of readers and she recently did a Q & A post called "Ask MckMama Anything." Readers asked questions, she answered. Well...I don't actually have so many readers, but I do know there are some awesome friends and family who want to know all about the pregnancy, so I thought I'd do a Q & A of some questions you might be thinking about.
Q: How did you find out you were pregnant?
A: We have been using the Natural Family Planning Chart for a little over 2 years, now, so we keep a pretty close eye on my cycle. We knew there was a decent chance we would great pregnant this time, but I was a little doubtful because I had gotten sick with laryngitis and had been running a fever. Because of that, I wasn't taking my temperature for a solid week or so. My cycle is usually about 31 days long, so I had already decided that I would take a test on day 32. Normally I drag my feet a little about testing because there I have been many instances where I've tested unnecessarily and have gotten many "negatives". I can honestly say I had a little bit of a good feeling about this time around, and it made sense to test that morning because we were going to go house-hunting later that same day. The alarm went off at 5:30 the morning of May 1, and I stumbled into the bathroom. (First pee of the morning, ya know.) Dameon and I had always said we wanted to find out at the same time. We didn't want it to be one of those things where I take a test when he's not around and then decide on the right time to tell him. My plan was, as usual, to take the test, make sure it was working, and then leave it on the counter for 3 minutes. Well, when I pulled it up in front of my eyes to make sure it was working, the two lines were already there!!! I remember my mouth dropping open and my eyes bugging out. Dameon says that I then fumbled with the bathroom door knob for a solid 60 seconds before stumbling into the pitch black bedroom. "Dameon, there's a line!"
"There's a line!"
"A pregnancy line?"
And then he sat straight up and I practically strangled him and I clung around his neck and cried my eyes out. (I think he was in shock...but a good kind of shock.)
Q: How far along are you?
A: We will be at the end of our first 12 weeks tomorrow.
Q: When are you due?
A: January 8
Q: Where will you deliver?
A: Methodist Hospital in Des Moines
Q: Are you going to find out what you're having?
A: No! We want to be surprised! We have our suspicions, but those have changed a few times :)
Q: Have you chosen any names?
A: We have a few that we like, but we are going to keep them a secret. I will say that when you're a teacher, a lot of names get ruled out!
Q: How have you been feeling?
A: I have actually been feeling quite well. I've only had a few days where I've felt crummy and wanted to lay around all day. Other than that, I feel a little strange in the evenings and my appetite gets a little weird, but nothing that's unbearable. I've found that if I don't let my stomach get empty and if I don't get too tired, I can keep it pretty well under control. Some foods taste differently, and that's kinda weird but I can usually think of something that sounds good. No crazy cravings yet but I'm sure that will come. Well...at least I'm HOPING that will come!! :) Ice cream? yes, please! Cheetos? okay!
Q: How has Dameon been feeling??
A: Okay, so things are a little stressful around here these days. Especially for Dameon. He is taking on a lot of the burden of the move and all that because I know he doesn't want me to stress. Besides all that stuff, he is also writing several big-ticket marching band shows this summer, taking classes for his Master's Degree, transitioning into a new job, AND waiting on me hand and foot. He has seriously been incredible! Fixing me whatever I want to eat, keeping up with the house and the yard, doing the grocery shopping, and completely keeping up with all the "honey-do's" I throw his way. But more than ALL that, he is completely thrilled and elated to be a daddy. It is so much fun to experience all these firsts together and I am so thankful for him!
Okay, I that's about all I can think of right now, but if you readers have any other questions, please send them my way and I'll do a Part 2!
Okay, I know I expressed my excitement on FB, but reading your post seriously gave me goosebumps! I think its because I know you have a strong desire to have kiddos AND I know you're going to be an awesome mamma! Woot Woot!
I too already commented on Facebook but it's so exciting to hear your news! Yay for you both (& baby)!!
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