Well, it's been seven weeks since this sweet baby girl joined our family and our hearts overflowed yet again. I'm honestly still in disbelief that I have a daughter because I so did not see her coming. I was sure she was a he and didn't even entertain the thought of having a girl. The boys in the house weren't convinced, though, and had started predicting pink several months ago.
The date was picked way back in May. December 14 it would be. On December 12, Dameon had a jazz band competition out of town and I knew I'd be pretty jittery so I asked my mom to 'move in' that day. She would then stay through Christmas. The kids were so excited to see her come and we got a room all ready for her. We spent the next two days getting organized for the week ahead...planning meals, doing laundry, wrapping Christmas gifts (and birthday gifts for Henry), and making sure our hospital bags were ready to go. It was hard to remember what to pack because it seemed like it had been so long since we had done this. And it seemed unreal that it was actually happening!
Sunday night we tried to go to bed early, since our alarm would be going off at 3. I think I got a couple hours of sleep but no food or drink after midnight made the heartburn extra difficult to cope with. Plus baby was wide awake :). Saying goodnight (and goodbye) to the boys the night before was a little difficult but I was glad that part was already over because I was feeling pretty emotional as we were gathering our things and heading out the door. I snapped a few pictures so I could remember...
The view from here
The imitation Uggs that got me through all three pregnancies when my feet couldn't fit into any other shoes. I think I paid $15 for them in 2008!
We arrived at Iowa Methodist hospital at 4:30 a.m. And had a little time to kill since we didn't need to check in until 5:15. The nurse led us to our room and we got settled before beginning all the admission procedures and starting the IV. I wish I would have snapped a few photos at that point but I guess my mind was a little distracted!
Before they can take you to the OR they have to get a good read of the baby on the monitor. About the time they got the monitor situated, I started contracting really regularly and the nurse said this might have been the day Baby was ready anyway! It was about this point in time that my brother, Brad, and his wife, Katy, arrived. They wanted to see us and spend a little time with us before the delivery.
I hope I never forget how special this time was (and was with the two boys, as well). So much anticipation that 9 months has led up to! My doctor arrived shortly there after and then things started moving very quickly. The four of us had a chance to pray together and Brad and Katy quietly sang a song which I vividly remember repeating to myself as fear was starting to overcome me. Then Dameon suited up and we were on our way down the hallway to meet our baby! It's a very strange feeling to hold your IV bag and walk yourself to the operating room. All three times I've been surprised I actually made it there as I'm feeling like I just want to crumble with fear.
Next was the point where Dameon and I had to separate. He's not allowed in the room while they are prepping me and it's one of the hardest parts. The next ten minutes or so we're spent getting my spinal (ouch!) and waiting for that to take effect and also getting draped and hooked up to oxygen. My anesthesiologist was great and encouraged me to communicate with him all the way through if I felt like I was having any issues. Throughout my pregnancy I battled fears about this very moment and over and over I turned to Psaln 91. The Lord comforted me so much through those verses. I had worked to memorize parts of it and was praying I'd have the mental clarity to remember them now. I can't tell you how much I felt Christ's presence in every detail in that operating room! My fears were washed away!
Dameon was allowed in the room and was seated right next to me as the surgery began. It's always shocking to me how quickly the baby is born. Before we knew it they were delivering Greta and Dr. Lehman told Dameon to look over the drape and make the announcement. I couldn't see her but I could see him and his face said it all! After a brief pause (which he says was him scanning for parts and making sure he wasnt missing something!) he exclaimed, "It's a girl! Honey, it's a girl!" Then I heard my doctor say, "Well, hi princess!" And I was in such a state of shock that I just started laughing and laughing. Unlike when the boys were born, I was able to opt for a new procedure called a gentle c-section. This just meant I was able to have Greta lay on my chest right away instead of her being taken to a warning bed. There aren't even words to describe how incredible that was.
** I was going to insert a few photos here from her birth but my iCloud is being inpossible so I'll have to publish them separately or this post will continue to sit here in limbo!**
The first thing I noticed about her was how much she looked like newborn Henry but with a little less hair. Then we soaked in all her other details...dimples, plump lips, and super long fingers and toes! Our little Greta Kaye was finally here and I kept trying to imagine Henry's and Warren's reactions when they would soon learn the news that they got a baby sister!