Hi all! I know I sound like a broken record, but I once again want to apologize for the long wait between posts. I have to plan accordingly to be able to post when I'm somewhere with internet. We are 34 weeks, 3 days pregnant and we have our eyes on the prize!! The pregnancy is still going very smoothly, even though random strangers often comment on how huge I am or how uncomfortable I must be. So nice...
Truth is I love being big with baby and I'm really not uncomfortable much at all. I get heartburn in the evenings sometimes and my skin itches a lot but that's nothin. We are trying to savor the last few weeks we have as "just us" but are SO anticipating the arrival of this sweet little he or she.
At 31 weeks, a good friend of ours took some maternity photos for us so I thought I'd post a few of the favorites. Her name is Missie Lafrenz, she's awesomely talented, and you can check out her work at http://www.mlphotography.net/. I can't wait for her to take the first pics of the baby!!