1. If you lay completely still, keeping your breathing as slow and steady as possible, your husband will be less likely to make YOU take the whining dog outside at 4:00 a.m.
2. Marrying someone who will eat most anything and do it with a really great "this is the best spaghetti I've ever tasted and I'll never get sick of it even if we eat it 4 times a week" face should definitely be in your Top 3 criteria when searching for a mate.
3. I'm not always right, I'm not always right, I'm not always right, I'm not always right...(but I am right most of the time)
4. Filling up 92% of your DVR space with Jon and Kate plus 8 episodes gets difficult to justify after awhile.
5. If you're going to put a five-pound rump roast down your garbage disposal....just don't.
*Being married is the best thing ever. Especially when your husband loves you despite items 1-5.
I LOVE IT!!! I am so so so excited that you are now a part of the blogging world. It gets addictive...watch out. :) Anyway, I love you so much, and I'm glad that you took some time to waste some time at work today. Miss you!!!
I am looking forward to more tips from old wifey like you as I step into married life!
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