As his third birthday was approaching I started thinking about when and how to make the move, but Warren decided to take matters into his own hands two days before his birthday. I had put him in his crib for nap and he was really hollering about it. Then it got really quiet and I figured he had given in and gone to sleep. And then it happened. His bedroom door slowly opened and he appeared in the hallway. He didn't make any eye contact with me and instead just nonchalantly walked over to his chair and said, "Well, I guess I'll just finish my lunch now." When I asked him how he escaped he tried to reenact it but I still can't figure out exactly how he managed to do it and do it so quietly. When Dameon got home from work I broke the news to him and we switched his crib into a toddler bed. He was SO proud.
Surprisingly for a few days following the move, he didn't give up his nap but instead decided he would put himself down for nap. It was glorious.
All in all it has gone well. He fell out the second night but then Dameon came to the rescue and wedged a pool noodle under his sheet to create a barrier. For the most part he stays in bed until morning but he does wake up much earlier now than when he was in the crib and climbs into bed with us. He thinks he's really a big boy. Now if only we could get him potty trained...